Annual General Assembly Alternative Schools Network
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Focus High School

Principal: Craig Olenik
Head Teacher: Skylar Adams
Secretary: Fatima Susbilla
Telephone: 514.481.1818
Fax: 514.481.0523
Location: Focus High School is located near complexe récréatif Gadbois in the Southwest borough and can be reached via buses 36 and 37
Grade Level: 7-9
Guidance Counsellor: Paola Borzone

Annual General Assembly Alternative Schools Network

We are pleased to invite you to attend the Annual General Assembly meeting for the election of members to the Governing Board as follows:

  • Date: Wednesday, September 27th 6:00 pm
  • Location: Mountainview School (7450 Cote St. Luc Road, H4W 1R1)

Kindly confirm your attendance with the school secretary of Focus High.

A governing board is responsible for matters concerning school budgets, school policies and is the primary consultative body for school board policies.

Click here to confirm your attendance

Educational Policies, Standards & Procedures

Standards and Procedures are official documents pertaining to the evaluation of student learning. They provide a summary of the evaluation criteria for each subject, and the period during which exams are scheduled.

Evaluation Standards & Procedures

About Us

Focus High School provides a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for secondary students who have not experienced success in a traditional school setting. Our goal is to help students develop the confidence, self-efficacy, social skills and behavioral competence that will allow them to continue their academic journey successfully. We encourage student growth, sensory awareness and self-regulation by teaching specific techniques supported by current research in neuroscience and maintaining a firm, consistent, yet forgiving structure throughout the school day.

Our Educational Framework

Students follow the curriculum determined by MEES while benefiting from a closed-classroom learning environment, small class size and individualized programming. Rigorous and relevant academic activities with emphasized integration of technology, music, media arts, physical education, nutrition, and other alternatives for tactile, kinesthetic learners are offered in the mornings while structured social, physical, recreational and skill-based activities are facilitated in the afternoons. Junior students follow a regular, adapted or modified general education path until secondary 3 at their own pace, while senior students receive emphasized practical training in semiskilled trades leading to certification through the work-oriented training path.

Our Educational Program

The Work-Oriented Training Program was created to help students acquire desirable work skills. The Pre-Work Program offered at Focus High School, is 3 years in length and is for students aged 15 and over. Stu-dents in this program focus on core academic content while developing necessary work skills that they can use to work in their communities. A hands-on approach is used to challenge students in completing various manual tasks while helping them strengthen their initiative, self-discipline, and reliability. In years 2 and 3, students in this program must successfully complete a work placement that allows them to fulfill the seven competencies that are necessary to graduate from the program.

School Highlights

● Cooking club
● Breakfast club
● Animal training initiatives
● Music & Art Club
● Board game club
● Weekly activity day (typically on Wednesdays)

Outreach Involvement

Photos from Focus High School

Click on the image below to open the gallery on Google Photos.